Healer's Clinic Dubai

Are There Any Alternative Treatments for Constipation?

Mar 05 2022

Constipation is one of the most common conditions and complaints all over.

When an individual passes less than three bowel movements a week, the process is medically termed ‘constipation’. It is a condition that leads to excessive strain during excretion either with incomplete or inconsistent stools, at times accompanied by other complications. Constipation could also be associated with distinctive medical disorders; hence it is crucial to understand this ailment better. 

Ayurveda considers difficulty in passing motion, not passing motion every day, and dry stools as categories of constipation.

Symptoms of Constipation Include:

  • Less than three bowel movements a week.
  • Difficulty or pain while passing stools
  • Stools are dry, and hard.
  • Stomach ache or cramps.
  • Bloating and nausea.

What Causes Constipation?

The most frequent cause of constipation is poor diet. Consuming enough water and dietary fiber is necessary to keep the stools soft, and less consumption of such food groups can lead to constipation. Stress, change in routine, and slow muscle contractions can also cause constipation.

Some of the most common causes of constipation include:

  • Dehydration
  • Delaying the impulse to pass a bowel movement
  • Pregnancy
  • A low fiber diets
  • Low exercise level
  • Travel or any other changes in routine
  • Medications such as antacids, pain-killers, diuretics, etc

Underlying illnesses such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, stroke, issues with the colon, hormonal problems, etc. can also lead to constipation. Ayurveda says, any activity which is different from the normal, or keeps the body away from its normal rhythm – such as sleeplessness – creates an imbalance in the Vata, and leads to constipation.

How Is Constipation Treated? Are There Any Alternative Treatments for Constipation?

Medication/supplement review

Constipation treatment is to be taken seriously. Upon discussing the concern with your healthcare specialists, they may review your current medication and supplements (if you take any) to assess if these are causing constipation. In such a case, the physician could change the dosage and/or switch to another drug. 

  1. Medications for Constipation

Doctors may prescribe a few drugs in order to treat constipation. These could include lactulose (Cephulac®, Kristalose®), lubiprostone (Amitiza®), plecanatide (Trulance®), prucalopride (Prudac®, Motegrity®) and linaclotide (Linzess®). The healthcare specialist assigned to you is eligible to pick the drug that would work best with your body.

  1. Surgery

Surgery is NOT commonly needed to cure constipation. However, depending on the severity of the situation, healthcare specialists may recommend it – if the underlying cause is due to a structural or physical problem within the colon. The concerns could include ‘rectal prolapse’, ‘intestinal stricture’, ‘anal fissure’, or ‘intestinal obstruction’. Some of these concerns could be treated with surgery or could be treated with medication depending on the severity of the situation. Cancer being found within the colon, rectum or anus would be one of the most serious concerns and hence, medication and surgery could help treat the underlying cause.

  1. Colon Hydrotherapy with The Healers Clinic

Colon hydrotherapy is a well-known procedure, among healthcare specialists in order to ensure the catalyzation of patients’ digestive health. This is a therapeutic process, which enables complete cleanse within the area using safe and temperature-controlled water while ensuring removal of accumulated waste. The treatment is undertaken with the best healthcare professionals ensuring enhancement of nutritional absorption, elimination of dangerous bacteria; leaving you feeling lighter, cleaner and rejuvenated. The doctors ensure overall improvement. The Healers’ Clinic has state of the art equipment, FDA approved and CE approved with seven filter systems and delivers the most effective constipation treatment in Dubai. The Healers’ give a lot of importance to treating this condition by understanding, re-establishing and enriching the natural biome of the colon.

  1. Holistic Treatment with The Healers’ Clinic – It’s time to treat the root cause

The Healers’ Clinic provides the best constipation treatment in Dubai, UAE. We comprise a team of physicians, medical professionals, and therapists holding years of experience and expertise within the medical field, ensuring treatment of constipation, its underlying causes, and any upcoming concerns. Holistic treatment for constipation could include treating the root cause naturally and eliminating it. With a blend of traditional Ayurveda and Homeopathy treatments, alongside colon hydrotherapy; The Healers’ Clinic ensures sustainable improvement by way of slight modifications in diet, lifestyle and self-care methods.

The Best Constipation Treatment in Dubai – The Healers’ Clinic

The Healers’ Clinic offers a wide range of customized services which focus on healing, cleansing, rejuvenation and health maintenance. With us, you will find the best of Homeopathy, Ayurveda and modern medicine – all of which are effectively integrated for fast and effective results. Quality, efficacy, and customer satisfaction remain a constant in our attitude towards our patients. Schedule a session with us and understand the intensity of your symptoms, the underlying causes, and treatment methods. 

For rejuvenating holistic healthcare, call us today for an appointment.


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Are There Any Alternative Treatments for Constipation?