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Meet Our Mentor

At The Healer’s, we are lucky to have an incredible woman – Dr. Saya to guide us. Dr Saya Pareeth, Medical Director and co-Founder of The Healers’ Clinic, is a holistic physician who graduated from Asia’s most reputed homeopathic institution – Government Homeopathic Medical College, Calicut. She believes that healing is an art which evolves […]

What makes us different?

Our team of Healers understand the patient’s body at a tissue level, and the status of various systems of the body, like for example, the digestive system. The constitutional properties become clearer as the relationship between the doctors and the patient grows and more advanced tools are used for issues that require a long-term sustainable […]

Integrative Approach to Healing

We have an integrative approach to healing. By having a holistic view of healing, we are open to various scientific processes like modern mechanisms to check your body condition with Non-Linear Screening or opting for an ayurvedic approach to address the root cause, we ensure your health and wellness come first. Talk to us to […]

Two Decades of Caring

Twenty years of clinical practice and eight years of research in Traditional Medicine In the year 2000, we started our first integrative clinic in Bengaluru, India, which comprised a team of practitioners from Ayurveda, Homeopathy and modern medicine. In our twenty years together, we have devised innovative protocols in integrated medicine and have advised people […]

Maintaining Your Thyroid With a Little Help From Nature

Proteins transport the thyroid hormone to all tissues and help the thyroid function more effectively. Eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes help with this. Consume foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, radishes in their raw form, since these are known goitrogens, in their raw form. About 20% of the thyroid function also depends on your gut […]

Non-linear Health Screening

The Healers’ uses an FDA approved Metatron device which is a health screening system with world-class software. The screening process itself takes less than an hour where you relax on a comfortable couch with something like headphones on, at the end of which, we would have captured enough information on your body. Key features of […]

Know Your Body

Non-linear health screening is a simple, non-invasive, and harmless procedure where subtle electromagnetic signals help determine the health status of various organs of the body. This screening makes it possible to define the character, origin and degree of potentially harmful processes – even before they begin. It also helps identify our predisposition, susceptibility or tendency […]

Immune system and Colon Cleansing

The immune system largely relies on the health of the digestive tract. Therefore, regular, gentle cleansing of the colon is believed to help, resulting in better nutrient absorption and improved health and immunity. Colon-hydrotherapy has gained wide acceptance as an aid to cleansing as well as irrigating the colon, because of the “clean inside lead […]

Colon Hydrotherapy Explained

Colon-hydrotherapy is a gentle and simple procedure. There is virtually no danger involved when performed under medical supervision. It involves a rectal insertion which may of course cause initial discomfort, but this is minimal and does not last long. The procedure uses filtered and purified temperature-controlled water which flushes out the large intestine. The patient […]

Lifestyle Habits & Gut

Lifestyle habits often tend to affect the health of the GI tract. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can damage the liver but can also have an equally adverse effect on the GI tract. A major problem frequently observed in alcoholics is dysbiosis. Smoking cigarettes is often an activity that people partake while drinking. Smokers are […]

Take care of your gut – it won’t give up on you

“A universe and an ecosystem within us”- this is what our gastrointestinal tract is! With an entrance named ‘mouth’ and an exit named ‘anus’, the digestive system is a contained world of complex chemistry and microbes controlled by undefinable energy of intricate movements and messenger systems. The digestive membrane, or the structure which make the […]

Maintenance is the key to a healthy lifespan

It takes years of study, conceptualization and integration to reach a treatment philosophy that accrues and implements techniques and methodologies across various platforms. The Healers’ treatment philosophy is just that – we believe in traditional and holistic healing practices and adopt and administer them through modern ways. Talk to us to see how we can […]

Restoring Balance

Three pillars – The foundations of good health include a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and a balanced lifestyle. The Gut-Brain Axis is a new frontier in neuroscience acknowledging the link between mental health and gut microbiota. In Ayurveda managing digestive and metabolic fire is the starting point to attain Dosha balance for mental and physical […]

Finding the right healer

All the eastern systems of medicine and non-conventional medicine, in general, differ from each other in the therapeutic science and application of this science as an art. There will be always an element of individualisation concerning the patient and also concerning the healer. For example, you cannot put a standard protocol of treatment for a […]

Understanding Your Gut

The body’s gastrointestinal tract and its functions are the cornerstones of our well-being. Studies have shown the connect between our gut health and our immune system, mental health, skin health, endocrine and cancerous diseases. Understanding your gut flora and its mechanism is very helpful to understand your health. With modern tests that can give us […]

Benefits of Bare-foot Walking

All of us are born barefoot wanderers. It comes naturally to us. Over time, shoes evolved to protect our feet from injuries,cuts or bites – the first form of this protection is believed to be leather, fur and barks of trees. I am sure you have observed a baby who is learning to walk. It […]

The Healing Process

Healing is a process that evolves from one’s inner core, and a healer facilitates that process. It is essentially an art that can neither be assessed by a set of standards nor be standardized to fit into the realm of modern science. It is like setting on a vibration in the inner cords which leads […]

Find your Healer

Our clinic is a collective of amazing people striving for the betterment of your health. ‘Safe, effective and natural integrated solutions for all’ is the vision that guides us towards your wellness. Our team of healers are experts in their respective fields. They believe in and respect their experiences with other medical traditions and integrate […]

The Healers’ philosophy

The role of General Medicine is important – it is a practice that closely monitors your family’s health. The Healers’ philosophy is to give you options to first prevent and then, try to manage a disease before involving any chemical interventions. Our team of experts, along with a General Practitioner takes the role of your […]

How much medicine is too much?

Modern medicine aims at counteracting symptoms. So its medicines are designed to attack and remove the invaders like bacteria, viruses and suppress the symptoms. Homeopathy, in contrast, does not suppress the symptoms but uses them as a guide to stimulate the vital inner force of the body, so that the body, in turn, will fight […]

Better Child Health

Having an unhealthy child at home is a dampener. We want the little ones to get back up on their feet quickly. But what is a safe, healthy way to do that? What can make our children take medicines easily, without a fuss? Homeopathic medicines, derived from plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, are known for […]

Homeopathy @ The Healers’ Clinic

The homeopathic system of medicine is found to be effective in almost all kinds of physical and mental illnesses. It is successfully used in all age groups from infants to old age. It is so gentle in its administration, (usually few medicated pellets or in water), that even children usually accept it without any fuss. […]

Fighting Constipation

Often with people who are constipated, the entire length of the colon is packed with faecal matter. Failure to regularly clear the colon is like keeping the garbage inside for months. The colon gets lined with layers of glue-like mucus and toxins that poison the bloodstream. The result is autointoxication wherein the toxins present in […]

The First Step Towards a Perfect Detox

The ancient healers believed death begins from the colon. Eastern medicine has always given utmost importance to cleaning and protecting the colon as a preventive measure for positive health. Colon, along with kidneys, lungs, and skin, is primarily responsible for eliminating waste and toxins from the body. However, due to a combination of poor diet, […]

Know Your Gut!

A human body is a home for trillions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa. The community of such microbes in a defined environment is called Microbiota. And the Microbiota along with its collective genetic material is called Microbiome. Microbiome is omnipresent. Soil, ocean, air, your skin, stomach, nose, eyes and ears, […]

Holistic Healing For Good Eye Health

There is an old wives tale about eating carrots to keep the eyes healthy. That tale is not entirely wrong but fell far from the holistic approach to eye health. Today, most holistic practitioners believe that to maintain good eyesight, several factors such as genetics, diets, exposure to toxins, environment and belief systems need to […]

Mental Health

Ayurveda is steeped in the principles of mental health and its effects on the body. This is the reason why many connoisseurs of Ayurveda also believe in Yoga and its calming effects on the mind and healing effects on the body. Negative emotions are believed to weaken immunity. When coupled with exposure to modern-day living […]

Beyond prevention

Ayurveda is not limited to prevention and cure but deals with the fundamental matters of life and its influencing factors in the ecosystem. It has a great deal to offer to the world, especially in the current health scenario. Owing to its strong perspective on preventive care, rejuvenation and methodical curative approaches to diseases, its […]

Learn to Relax

“Eat, sleep, and you will live a long time. You have to learn to relax.” _ Misao Okazaki  @healersclinic WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are […]

Being well

All living beings are gifted with the attributes of the mind, sense organs and life force, or the Spirit, which is known as Jeevatma whereas Paramatma deals with the Spiritual. A qualified physician from the Ayurvedic tradition prescribes herbs, diet, supervised cleansing, Yoga and counselling. The Healer’s approach is inspired by the Ayurvedic way of […]

Eid Mubarak

From all of us at @healersclinic , best wishes for this Eid. May your life be filled with happiness and your heart with peace and joy. Eid Mubarak to you and family! #nutrition#fitness#wellness#nutrition#fitness#BeatStress WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are […]

What food should children eat to enhance immunity?

Immunity is directly linked to an efficient digestive system and how readily your body absorbs nutrients. Naturally ripened seasonal fruits enhance immunity if taken in moderation. Remember, the best time to eat fruits is before noon, and their best consumed at the beginning of a meal, or on their own. Gooseberry, seasonal mango, grapes and […]

What are the dietary guidelines for asthmatics?

Asthma is characterized by the contraction of smooth muscle in smaller units of the lungs called bronchioles, which partially abstract can cause extreme difficulty in breathing. In asthmatics, triggers range from pollen, dust and polluted air to specific foods, heavy meals and emotional factors. Ayurveda considers the trigger can be simple indigestion as well. Light […]

Arthritis and You

Can my diet help alleviate the symptoms of my arthritis? Yes, you can reduce the severity of symptoms by being careful with your dietary choices. For instance, white flour, red meat, sweets and desserts should be added. Say no to cheesy, salty and oily food in general and remember to drink adequate amounts of water […]

Child-Friendly Foods

What child-friendly foods can I introduce to my kids if I want them to follow in an Ayurvedic approach to eating? Organically grown grains, soft seasonal fruits, clean dry fruits and moderate ghee, all based on one’s digestion can be introduced to children. The ayurvedic philosophy strongly advocates the cultural practice of introducing foods of […]

Eating Right When Expecting

If I am pregnant, what changes should I make to my diet? While dieting during pregnancy, we always encourage women to consider their cultural food practices and recipes, pertaining to ethnicity and country of origin. In general, a pregnant woman should eat cooked, liquid, warm, organic meals and should have all six tastes of sweet, […]

Increased Hunger After Quitting Smoking

I have recently stopped smoking, and I find I am much hungrier than before. Is this normal? Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, so yes, when you stop smoking, you tend to build up an appetite, especially for carbohydrates and it happens during the early weeks after you have just given up smoking. Combat this craving […]

Remembering Dr PK Warrier

Remembering Dr PK Warrier fondly for his passion, compassion, willingness to learn and heal. The disappearance of Dr. Warrier is a great loss for the medical sciences. From all of us at @healersclinic , our condolences to his family and the Arya Vaidya Sala fraternity. May his soul reach Mukti. The Healers’ Clinic, Dubai is an integrative […]

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, the science of exercise which symbolizes the union of the mind and the body was the gift of Rishi Patanjali 5000 years ago. As an intrinsic part of the healing and rejuvenation process of the human body, it has gained wide currency worldwide and various pathways such as Iyengar, Kundalini, Hatha Yoga, Sahaj Yoga […]

Is There An Alternative to Sugar?

I practice Ayurveda but I also have a sweet tooth. Are there any alternatives to sugar I can try to reduce my cravings? Practising Ayurveda and consuming sugar is not necessarily a conflict. Ayurveda identifies six tastes by which all foods can be categorised: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent. The first three tastes […]

Are Some Foods Bad For Digestion When Combined?

Our body usually transforms foods at various stages, as part of mastication, digestion and absorption. The body’s physiology is such that at different stages of processing foods, it is facilitated by physical movements and multiple types of enzymes and digestive juices.  Based on the types of food, the effort of your digestive organs also very. […]

Snacking as per Ayurveda

How should I approach snacking if I want to follow an ayurvedic diet? The best answer is to know your digestive capacity well. Indulge in something natural or cooked.  Carefully selected nuts are the best choice if you are not allergic to any. If you prefer to snack on fruits, you need to choose a […]

Is Cold Water bad?

Why does Ayurveda recommend taking warm or room temperature water? The quality of water varies with its sources and process as per Ayurvedic understanding. The purest water is considered to be from rainfall and hailstone derived from seasonal rain in an unpolluted environment. This is considered synonymous with elixir. Water is considered lighter when boiled […]

Handling Zinc Deficiency

What signs should I look for if I think I have a zinc deficiency? When your diet is low in zinc, it causes a deficiency. Poor absorption and increased utilization of zinc in your body can also result in zinc deficiency.  The zinc deficiency can give rise to multiple symptoms at various systems in the […]

Improving Haemoglobin Level

My haemoglobin level has gone down to 10. What sort of food can bring them to normal levels? Low haemoglobin can occur due to various reasons. When your body produces fewer red blood cells than usual or when your body destroys red blood cells faster than they replenish, you end up with low haemoglobin. Blood […]

Happy Doctor’s Day

Only a doctor is blessed with the magical powers to treat a life, to bring health into our lives and to be there with us when we have lost all the hopes. A Happy Doctor’s Day to all the healers who put their patients first. Thank you from all of us at @healersclinic #AskDrHafeel#askthedoc At the […]

Feeling Anxious?

Is there any relationship between diet and anxiety? Foods that you’re highly allergic to may have some effect on anxiety. There is nothing to a specific food that creates anxiety. However, there are a few things that may be triggering factors. These are primarily high-energy foods and heavy spices. Practices such as leaving the stomach […]

Water & Diabetes

How often should I drink water if I am diabetic? Water dilutes and cleanses toxic substance, like excess glucose.  We suggest drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day, enlist the clinical reason not to. That will help the kidney to dilute and excrete the excessively circulating glucose. Always remember: water cannot replace some […]

Is it true that margarine is healthier than Butter?

We are always torn between healthy choices and unhealthy ones. More often than we want to accept, the unhealthy ones creep into our regimen and then we are at a loss. Sometimes, some popular choices of food are not as healthy as they are claimed to be. Today we address a question from a parent […]

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