Author : admin

Upgrade your lifestyle with Ayurveda

Ayurveda believes in not just enhancing your life but also in improving the quality of life in a holistic way. Being focused on improving the physical and emotional self, incorporating different ways of Ayurveda in your daily life will help you maintain a healthy life and sleep better. It is only logical to trust on […]

Steps to better health

Did you know walking can be really beneficial for your health? Here are a few benefits of walking that might motivate you 1. Walking for just 30-40 mins per day can increase your cardiovascular fitness, improve the strength of your bones, help lose weight and reduce the risks of heart problems and other lifestyle diseases. […]

Quick detox for the busy YOU

Quick detox for the busy YOU Did you know detox need not mean a lot of work, waiting for days together to consume hard smelling juices and tough regimen? Yes, you can get rid of the harmful toxins from your body in the fun way even when you are busy. Considering the extremely busy regimens […]

Indulge in your detox regimen

Detox should ideally, be a regular feature in our lives since it helps in the prevention of ailments and helps in sustaining good health too. Detox is known to reduce water retention, bloating, and cleanses the digestive system, while supporting metabolism, boosting energy, and improving immunity. At The Healers’, we guide you and walk you […]

Go Toxins, Go

The lack of exercise, eating food loaded with oils, bad fat, overworking are some of the common problems that result in toxins building up in our body. The word toxin itself sounds bad and is representative of all the bad thing that accumulate in our body – pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, pesticide loaded food, […]

Why we should look beyond symptoms

When most of us see the symptoms in our health, we quickly resort to doctors instantly as we find solace in consulting Dr. Google. While Google might be a good way to understand how things work, it is ill-advised to consult it for the medical diagnosis. It is very critical to understand that some of […]

What is your Prakriti?

Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine describes a unique concept “prakriti”, genetically determined, categorizing the population into several subgroups based on characters like appearance, temperament, and habits. The concept is claimed to be useful in predicting an individual’s susceptibility to a particular disease, the prognosis of that illness, and selection of therapy.According to Ayurvedic […]

The Art of Eating Right

You are what you eat. “A universe and an ecosystem within us”- this is what our gastrointestinal tract is! With an entrance named ‘mouth’ and an exit named ‘anus’, the digestive system is a contained world of complex chemistry and microbes controlled by indefinable energy of intricate movements and messenger systems. The digestive membrane, or […]

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Although our title may sound philosophical, it is brutally real when it comes to our well-being. What is interesting is that even though we know these proverbs and quip about them often, we rarely follow them on an individual level. Preventive care helps you stay away from illnesses and remain healthy. In effect, it helps […]

Panchakarma Treatment – Cure From The Core | The Healers’ Clinic, Dubai

Panchakarma Treatment – Cure From The Core | The Healers’ Clinic, Dubai The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultureswhich are time-tested. The Healers’ is the one of its kind in the region […]

Personalized Precision Medicine

While most of us depend on various drugs for our medication, it is important to understand how the herbal medicine works. The fact remains that the standard drugs available over the counter or with prescription is standardised to be suitable to the average population. Some of the most precise medicines are possible with the herbal […]

Authentic Ayurvedic Practice @The Healers’ Clinic

Ayurveda has evolved over the years and is now integrated with other traditional practices, including yoga. Today ayurveda is widely practiced not just on the Indian subcontinent but also all around the world. Millions of people are starting to see the benefit of ayurveda and depend on it. Ayurveda translates as ‘life science’. Its knowledge […]

Ayurveda – The wisdom of the sages

One of our biggest strengths at The Healers Clinic is our expertise in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient health care tradition that has been practiced in India for almost 5,000 years. The word comes from the Sanskrit terms ayur (life) and veda (knowledge).Ayurvedic philosophy believes that health-care practices are not only directed towards curing a […]

Listening to your body with Non-Linear Screening

Did you know your body can give out distress signals to show it is not well? Imagine if you had the power to listen to those signals and act before you need serious help! At the Healers’ Clinic we have a mechanism to do just that. One of the most advanced systems of screening for […]

We put you first

Did you know we have an attitude of putting YOU first? At The Healers’ Clinic, Dubai, you are our priority. You are regarded as a combination of multiple dimensions, which include your body, mind, beliefs and your context in terms of society, relationships and environment. Treatment is tailored to specifically address your unique constitution and […]

Tamra (copper) in our logo

The Ayurvedic system of medicine has stood the test of time for four millennia or more. Use of metallic preparations in healthcare is a unique feature in this system. Processed metals including Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Copper etc. were used very frequently by seers of the Indian tradition in different disease conditions with great […]

A holistic living promise

The art of living holistically needs to be learned and then mastered. If there is one thing the last few years have taught us, it is the importance of being healthy. Living with a holistic approach to life involves recognizing yourself as a whole and complete entity. It involves taking care of your physical, mental, […]

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