Ayurvedic perspective on fasting

May 03 2021

Ramadan, the holy month, is one full moon cycle of faith, sacrifice, and trust. Throughout Ramadan, millions of Muslims on all continents are required to fast from dawn to dusk every day. Ramadan also provides Muslims with an opportunity to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, and compassion for those in need. It brings back benevolence and charity. Fasting redirects the soul’s attention away from distractions, intending to purify the soul by removing contaminations.

These Ramadan rituals have great significance in Ayurveda because the principles in both are derived from the same root. Fasting has a long history in Ayurveda as a vital practice for maintaining and regaining health. Fasting and cleansing are sometimes used interchangeably in Ayurveda. Because cleansing lasts longer, it can be related to the concept of Ramadan fasting. The human body cleanses itself by fasting during Ramadan. And there are many similarities between many ayurvedic concepts and Ramadan fasting.

Ayurveda recommends waking up during the Brahma muhoortham, or suhoor time. Brahma muhurta (Brahma’s time) is a period (muhurta) one and a half hours before sunrise—or, more precisely, one hour and 36 minutes before sunrise. Now is the time for a Suhoor meal. People who wake up at Brahma muhoortham every day will not experience sleep deprivation during Ramadan because it is a routine for them.

Fasting for an extended period, according to Ayurveda, has a detoxifying effect.This necessitates a sufficient amount of sleep each day. Fasting can reset the digestive fire, allowing it to rest & strengthen. The detoxifying nature also supports the body’s natural mechanisms for removing toxins.

According to Ayurveda, the best time to fast is during the Kapha season. Kapha season begins at the end of March and lasts until the end of June. The spring season is ideal for fasting. This is similar to the idea of fasting for Ramadan. This is due to the season’s natural balance. Because the Kapha season is heavy and watery, it will not have as much of an impact on the body.

Check our blog.to know more about the benefits of fasting,


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Ayurvedic perspective on fasting