Can A Detox or Cleanse Help Your Liver?
A liver detox helps in getting rid of impurities and toxins in the body. Along with improving your overall health, the process can also help you lose weight. The liver is one of the most vital organs of your body. It helps remove waste and overcome any adverse effects of medications. People often believe that after excessive consumption of alcohol and unhealthy foods, a liver detox will help cleanse their bodies. This is not completely true.
Although a liver detox can be helpful in your routine, it cannot treat your liver. A cleanse or detox has several steps, and you may need to restrict your diet to complete the cleanse. It is crucial to understand the process of detox and its effects before going ahead with the process.
Dr Hafeel Ambalath of The Healers’ Clinic says, “The human body has its own natural way of doing things – our detox facilitates and enhances it, while respecting the wisdom of the body”
Shared below, is essential information on a liver detox. Read on to know more.

The Truth About Liver Cleanse
A healthy liver is capable of cleansing itself, but you may not be able to cure an unhealthy liver with a detox or cleanse. Anyone with liver disease or damage will need professional medical help. Some lifestyle and dietary changes may also be recommended to help with the condition. There is little to no evidence indicating that a detox can cure the liver. On the contrary, a liver detox poses a few health risks such as:
- A liver cleanse or detox cannot be a substitute for medical treatment. Undergoing a cleanse instead of visiting a doctor, can cause the underlying issues to intensify, and may lead to serious health problems.
- You do not get balanced nutrition from a liver cleansing diet. Since the diet does not give proper nutrition, it can increase the possibility of deficiencies, especially in women, children, older adults, and people with pre-existing medical conditions.
- Some ingredients used in a liver detox can be harmful to the body, and make you sick if you already have a weak immune system.
Are Liver Cleanses Helpful in Losing Weight
Some liver detox service providers in Dubai promise that it helps in weight loss by improving the overall metabolism of the body. The detox claims to flush out toxins from the body thereby boosting metabolism, and aiding in weight loss. However, there is no evidence to support these claims. Since the cleanse usually promotes a low-calorie diet, it may slow down the body’s metabolism. Several diets also promise to improve the liver’s health through consumption of fewer calories, which may result in temporary weight loss. This is mostly water-weight which comes back once you get back on your usual diet.
Can Liver Detox Prevent Liver Disease?
Genes and other lifestyle habits affect your liver too. A liver detox is incapable of preventing or treating any liver disease, but there are other ways to prevent liver issues. The points listed below, can help prevent liver diseases:
- Keep your diet well-balanced, by incorporating fruit and vegetables into your daily routine. Also include other essential food items such as nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Including protein in your diet will help your body flush out toxins naturally.
- Add exercise to your daily schedule.
- Try maintaining a healthy weight.
- Give up a lifestyle which deteriorates liver health or leads to inflammatory conditions of the liver. For example: excessive consumption of junk, oily or greasy food.
Dr Hafeel, a holistic expert, also says, “Traditional medicine considers a fat free, salt free and grease or irritant free diet as a suitable one in cases of liver disorders. It also helps in improving liver functions”

Ways To Improve the Health of Your Liver
Simple changes in your routine can promote good liver health. If you want to have a healthy liver without going in for a liver detox, there are several other ways to do this. Some of the best ways to promote good liver health are:
- Avoid unnecessary medication, stick to the recommended doses without exceeding.
- Do not mix your medicines with alcohol, as this can have harmful effects on your liver.
- Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
- Rinse fruits and vegetables before eating, to eliminate pesticides, if any.
- Drop all artificial sauces, taste-makers or taste-enhancers, readymade pickles, food additives and excess of spices from your diet.
- Limit your alcohol intake; excessive alcohol is a risk factor for liver disease.
- Wear a mask and ensure ventilation if you are exposed to pesticides or paint.
- Get vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B, and other required vaccinations, before traveling overseas.
Final Words
The liver holds an important place in the hormonal functions at various levels. Emotional upheavals too can affect the liver. A liver detox is considered a good way to promote liver health but it is NOT a single remedy approach. In any case, a liver cleanse cannot treat or cure your liver issues, and you should contact a certified professional if you need help. The Healer’s Clinic in Dubai is one of the most trusted healthcare providers. We focus on holistic healing and use our years of experience to ease your symptoms and promote good health. With us, you will get the most effective liver detox in Dubai. For more information, you can visit our website or get in touch with our team at info@thehealersclinic.com.