Detox in Dubai

Finding the right healer

All the eastern systems of medicine and non-conventional medicine, in general, differ from each other in the therapeutic science and application of this science as an art. There will be always an element of individualisation concerning the patient and also concerning the healer. For example, you cannot put a standard protocol of treatment for a […]

The Healing Process

Healing is a process that evolves from one’s inner core, and a healer facilitates that process. It is essentially an art that can neither be assessed by a set of standards nor be standardized to fit into the realm of modern science. It is like setting on a vibration in the inner cords which leads […]

Find your Healer

Our clinic is a collective of amazing people striving for the betterment of your health. ‘Safe, effective and natural integrated solutions for all’ is the vision that guides us towards your wellness. Our team of healers are experts in their respective fields. They believe in and respect their experiences with other medical traditions and integrate […]

Better Child Health

Having an unhealthy child at home is a dampener. We want the little ones to get back up on their feet quickly. But what is a safe, healthy way to do that? What can make our children take medicines easily, without a fuss? Homeopathic medicines, derived from plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, are known for […]

Homeopathy @ The Healers’ Clinic

The homeopathic system of medicine is found to be effective in almost all kinds of physical and mental illnesses. It is successfully used in all age groups from infants to old age. It is so gentle in its administration, (usually few medicated pellets or in water), that even children usually accept it without any fuss. […]

The First Step Towards a Perfect Detox

The ancient healers believed death begins from the colon. Eastern medicine has always given utmost importance to cleaning and protecting the colon as a preventive measure for positive health. Colon, along with kidneys, lungs, and skin, is primarily responsible for eliminating waste and toxins from the body. However, due to a combination of poor diet, […]

Know Your Gut!

A human body is a home for trillions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa. The community of such microbes in a defined environment is called Microbiota. And the Microbiota along with its collective genetic material is called Microbiome. Microbiome is omnipresent. Soil, ocean, air, your skin, stomach, nose, eyes and ears, […]

Mental Health

Ayurveda is steeped in the principles of mental health and its effects on the body. This is the reason why many connoisseurs of Ayurveda also believe in Yoga and its calming effects on the mind and healing effects on the body. Negative emotions are believed to weaken immunity. When coupled with exposure to modern-day living […]

Beyond prevention

Ayurveda is not limited to prevention and cure but deals with the fundamental matters of life and its influencing factors in the ecosystem. It has a great deal to offer to the world, especially in the current health scenario. Owing to its strong perspective on preventive care, rejuvenation and methodical curative approaches to diseases, its […]

Learn to Relax

“Eat, sleep, and you will live a long time. You have to learn to relax.” _ Misao Okazaki  @healersclinic WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are […]

Being well

All living beings are gifted with the attributes of the mind, sense organs and life force, or the Spirit, which is known as Jeevatma whereas Paramatma deals with the Spiritual. A qualified physician from the Ayurvedic tradition prescribes herbs, diet, supervised cleansing, Yoga and counselling. The Healer’s approach is inspired by the Ayurvedic way of […]

Eid Mubarak

From all of us at @healersclinic , best wishes for this Eid. May your life be filled with happiness and your heart with peace and joy. Eid Mubarak to you and family! #nutrition#fitness#wellness#nutrition#fitness#BeatStress WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are […]

Eating Right When Expecting

If I am pregnant, what changes should I make to my diet? While dieting during pregnancy, we always encourage women to consider their cultural food practices and recipes, pertaining to ethnicity and country of origin. In general, a pregnant woman should eat cooked, liquid, warm, organic meals and should have all six tastes of sweet, […]

Increased Hunger After Quitting Smoking

I have recently stopped smoking, and I find I am much hungrier than before. Is this normal? Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, so yes, when you stop smoking, you tend to build up an appetite, especially for carbohydrates and it happens during the early weeks after you have just given up smoking. Combat this craving […]

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, the science of exercise which symbolizes the union of the mind and the body was the gift of Rishi Patanjali 5000 years ago. As an intrinsic part of the healing and rejuvenation process of the human body, it has gained wide currency worldwide and various pathways such as Iyengar, Kundalini, Hatha Yoga, Sahaj Yoga […]

Handling Zinc Deficiency

What signs should I look for if I think I have a zinc deficiency? When your diet is low in zinc, it causes a deficiency. Poor absorption and increased utilization of zinc in your body can also result in zinc deficiency.  The zinc deficiency can give rise to multiple symptoms at various systems in the […]

Improving Haemoglobin Level

My haemoglobin level has gone down to 10. What sort of food can bring them to normal levels? Low haemoglobin can occur due to various reasons. When your body produces fewer red blood cells than usual or when your body destroys red blood cells faster than they replenish, you end up with low haemoglobin. Blood […]

Feeling Anxious?

Is there any relationship between diet and anxiety? Foods that you’re highly allergic to may have some effect on anxiety. There is nothing to a specific food that creates anxiety. However, there are a few things that may be triggering factors. These are primarily high-energy foods and heavy spices. Practices such as leaving the stomach […]


I suffer from frequent sugar cravings. What you do recommend I do? Sugar cravings are generally the result of improper glucose metabolism or simple deprivation of glucose. Insulin resistance is a common reason, which occurs in people on the threshold of diabetes. Even the body provides insulin, the cells become resistant to it and unable […]

What is the best time to consume dinner and how long should it be before I sleep?

The night is for resting, for both mind and body. A night of good night sleep is the best way to rejuvenate. Slow digestion resulting from a large meal disturbs sleep patterns. Modern science, as well as tradition, do not advise a heavy meal towards the evening. Large dinners make you uncomfortable and tired and […]

What would you recommend for planning meal sizes?

Many people ask us if they should plan their largest meal at lunchtime. Digestion is related to your external environment and is closely linked to the sunrise and sunset. As the Sun progresses during the day, the appetite of a healthy person should increase. Sometimes your eating habits can affect this process. For example, if […]

Is Your Child Allergic to eggs?

Excess source of quality protein, iron, vitamins, minerals and carotenoids. Their role in providing disease-fighting nutrients such as lutein has given eggs an important place in nutrition, especially for growing children. So, yes, it is important to find a suitable alternative if a child is allergic to eggs. Yoghurt and tofu can be a good […]

Changes You Can Make to Your Diet to Avoid 3 pm Slump

There could be many reasons for an afternoon skipping breakfast and having a big meal for lunch is one of the common reasons. Like any other functional device, the human body requires fuel to function. Your digestive system needs the energy to process the food you eat. If you skip your breakfast and eat a […]

Tips To Stop Nails from Becoming Brittle

If your nails have become brittle and they peel or chip easily, here is what you should be eating to make them strong. Brittle nails could be a short-term phenomenon or a long-lasting reflection of internal disease. The condition has been associated with iron deficiency and thyroid or kidney imbalances. Splitting or pitting has been […]


Most of us work in front of a computer or looking at a screen for long hours daily. Prolonged work of any kind results in exhaustion. In this case, it will be more as it involves your brain and one of the sense organs, the eyes. Eat juicy fruits and drink water at regular intervals […]

What Changes Can I Make to My Diet To Stay Cool This Summer?

During summer, I would recommend sweet, cold, liquid and softly prepared fatty foods and drinks. Seasonal vegetables that are water-rich and organic fruits of the gourd variety such as cucumbers and melons are also suitable. Summer is also the season to enjoy the crunchy freshness of watery vegetables. Loosely prepared porridges or arrowroot, millet and […]

Vitamin Infusion and YOU

De-stress. Energize. Rejuvenate Vitamin Infusions are the safest and the most natural way of providing you with a healthy lifestyle along with the additional benefits of improved skin, hair, youthfulness, vitality and rejuvenation. A wide variety of custom-made infusions that help as Energy boosters, Immunity boosters, Stress relievers and hydrate and detoxify you – make […]

Ayurvedic Approach to Diet & Preventing Hair Loss

Ayurveda considers hair and nails as by-products of metabolic activities, specific to bones and marrow. So anything that corrects and strengthens metabolic activities at this level should work for hair as well. Vata (wind) and Pitta (fire) types of constitutions have a natural susceptibility to brittle hair, early greying, baldness and poor hair quality. Environmental […]

Colon Hydrotherapy at The Healers’ Clinic

Colon Hydrotherapy at The Healers’ Clinic With highly experienced and qualified therapists and the most sophisticated machine (FDA approved and CE approved) with 7 filter systems inside, this is one of the safest and most trusted clinics to do colon hydrotherapy. Moreover, colon hydrotherapy sessions are accompanied with a reflexology treatment of abdomen with stomach […]

Improve Your Well-Being

Is it possible to actually improve our well-being? Yes, if we can achieve the right balance of good mental health and be physically fit as well. If there is a coming together of the body, mind and spirit and we can make the right choices about where to locate ourselves, we can open doorways of […]

Why Choose Colon Cleanse?

Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle cleansing of the large intestine. It is the safe, gentle infusion of purified warm water into the colon under conditions that offer safety. It is one of the safest and effective procedures to help detoxify the digestive system and is a rejuvenating treatment for the body. No chemical drugs are […]

Colon Hydrotherapy – The First Step Towards a Perfect Detox

The ancient healers believed , death begins from the colon. Eastern medicine have always given utmost importance in cleaning and protecting the colon as a preventive measure for positive health. Colon along with kidneys, lungs and skin is responsible for eliminating waste and toxins from the body. However due to a combination of poor diet, […]

Preventive Health and Restoring Balance

Three pillars – The foundations of good health include a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and a balanced lifestyle. The Gut-Brain Axis is a new frontier in neuroscience acknowledging the link between mental health and gut microbiota. In Ayurveda managing digestive and metabolic fire is the starting point to attain Dosha balance for mental and physical […]

A Journey Towards The Best Version Of Yourself

Your journey with The Healers’ is a guided tour on the path towards the betterment of the self. We offer sustainable methods of improvement that help you detox and evolve into the best version of yourself. Here are some quick tips to help you on this journey. Yoga and breath-work- The benefits of yoga and […]

Blessed Eid ul-Fitr

It means that the occasion of breaking the fast. The day stands for expressing feeling to the almighty Allah for all that we have. It’s believed that Muslims were commanded by Allah to continue fast until the end of the day of Ramadan. As, per the Holy book, Quran, devotees should donate the charity(zakat al-Fitr) […]

Have a Blessed Eid

As we are celebrating Eid ul Fitr this week, we remember you all fondly in our prayers. From all of us at The Healers’ Clinic, Dubai, we hope this Eid brings peace, prosperity, happiness and good health to your life. #TheHealersClinic#HealersClinic#HealthyLivingDubai#HolisticLivingDubai#EidMubarak#DubaiLife#CustomisedTherapy#HealersClinic#TheHealersClinic#GetWellDubai#DubaiHealthFanatics#AuthenticAyurveda#HealersVoice#PersonalisedCare#HomeopathyDubai WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its […]


May this blessed season bring lots of joy, happiness and good health to you and your family. As Ayurveda explains, the natural order – which is a dynamic balance within its limits – is maintained by a healthy interchangeable concentration of three biological principles known as VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. In an active state, these […]

Transform Yourself For A Better Healthy Future

There is no particular age or time after which you cannot transform. Irrespective of how old you are, the door to transforming yourself is always open. Progressing in life is not so easy, and for that, you should consider changing yourself. When you say you are done, you stop stretching and reaching new goals, which […]

Restoring Balance With Fasting

According to Ayurveda, the best time to fast is during the Kapha season. Kapha season begins at the end of March and lasts until the end of June. The spring season is ideal for fasting. This is similar to the idea of fasting for Ramadan. This is due to the season’s natural balance. Because the […]

Ayurvedic perspective on fasting

Ramadan, the holy month, is one full moon cycle of faith, sacrifice, and trust. Throughout Ramadan, millions of Muslims on all continents are required to fast from dawn to dusk every day. Ramadan also provides Muslims with an opportunity to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, and compassion for those in need. It brings back benevolence and charity. […]

How to prepare your body for fasting

Some of us believe that we will be ready when Ramadan begins, but preparation will make the transition much easier. The following are few ways to prepare your body for the fasting month. Consumption of food: Begin by eating in moderation. Ramadan is approaching, so don’t splurge on food. This will only increase your hunger […]


Eating healthily is the cornerstone of your health. Health�ier eating depends on the quality of your digestion and ac�quaintance. Ayurveda gives great importance to the measure and quality of your digestion: A good digestion is the pil� lar of your immunity. Ayurveda recommends simple foods, cooked and warm unless fruits. Being light and nutritious is […]

Let’s fight Stress

Mental uneasiness and anxiety can happen due to stress-triggering behavioural or biological adaptation. Stress not only makes us feel emotional but also gives rise to many other health issues. With the current havoc due to corona, most of us are facing health issues are mainly because of stress. Let us see how we are getting […]

4 Pillar Detox Model

At The Healers Clinic, using our 4-pillar model of Detox, Heal, Rejuvenate and Maintain, we re-create an environment of complete healthcare for the family, through a holistic and integrative approach. We place importance on wellness through personalized care, where we work around the philosophy of health-care rather than disease-care. Today and tomorrow is all about […]

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4 Pillar Detox Model