Gut health and you

Fighting Constipation

Often with people who are constipated, the entire length of the colon is packed with faecal matter. Failure to regularly clear the colon is like keeping the garbage inside for months. The colon gets lined with layers of glue-like mucus and toxins that poison the bloodstream. The result is autointoxication wherein the toxins present in […]

Know Your Gut!

A human body is a home for trillions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa. The community of such microbes in a defined environment is called Microbiota. And the Microbiota along with its collective genetic material is called Microbiome. Microbiome is omnipresent. Soil, ocean, air, your skin, stomach, nose, eyes and ears, […]

Holistic Healing For Good Eye Health

There is an old wives tale about eating carrots to keep the eyes healthy. That tale is not entirely wrong but fell far from the holistic approach to eye health. Today, most holistic practitioners believe that to maintain good eyesight, several factors such as genetics, diets, exposure to toxins, environment and belief systems need to […]

Learn to Relax

“Eat, sleep, and you will live a long time. You have to learn to relax.” _ Misao Okazaki  @healersclinic WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are […]

Arthritis and You

Can my diet help alleviate the symptoms of my arthritis? Yes, you can reduce the severity of symptoms by being careful with your dietary choices. For instance, white flour, red meat, sweets and desserts should be added. Say no to cheesy, salty and oily food in general and remember to drink adequate amounts of water […]

Child-Friendly Foods

What child-friendly foods can I introduce to my kids if I want them to follow in an Ayurvedic approach to eating? Organically grown grains, soft seasonal fruits, clean dry fruits and moderate ghee, all based on one’s digestion can be introduced to children. The ayurvedic philosophy strongly advocates the cultural practice of introducing foods of […]

Eating Right When Expecting

If I am pregnant, what changes should I make to my diet? While dieting during pregnancy, we always encourage women to consider their cultural food practices and recipes, pertaining to ethnicity and country of origin. In general, a pregnant woman should eat cooked, liquid, warm, organic meals and should have all six tastes of sweet, […]

Is There An Alternative to Sugar?

I practice Ayurveda but I also have a sweet tooth. Are there any alternatives to sugar I can try to reduce my cravings? Practising Ayurveda and consuming sugar is not necessarily a conflict. Ayurveda identifies six tastes by which all foods can be categorised: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent. The first three tastes […]

Are Some Foods Bad For Digestion When Combined?

Our body usually transforms foods at various stages, as part of mastication, digestion and absorption. The body’s physiology is such that at different stages of processing foods, it is facilitated by physical movements and multiple types of enzymes and digestive juices.  Based on the types of food, the effort of your digestive organs also very. […]

Snacking as per Ayurveda

How should I approach snacking if I want to follow an ayurvedic diet? The best answer is to know your digestive capacity well. Indulge in something natural or cooked.  Carefully selected nuts are the best choice if you are not allergic to any. If you prefer to snack on fruits, you need to choose a […]

Is Cold Water bad?

Why does Ayurveda recommend taking warm or room temperature water? The quality of water varies with its sources and process as per Ayurvedic understanding. The purest water is considered to be from rainfall and hailstone derived from seasonal rain in an unpolluted environment. This is considered synonymous with elixir. Water is considered lighter when boiled […]

Improving Haemoglobin Level

My haemoglobin level has gone down to 10. What sort of food can bring them to normal levels? Low haemoglobin can occur due to various reasons. When your body produces fewer red blood cells than usual or when your body destroys red blood cells faster than they replenish, you end up with low haemoglobin. Blood […]

Happy Doctor’s Day

Only a doctor is blessed with the magical powers to treat a life, to bring health into our lives and to be there with us when we have lost all the hopes. A Happy Doctor’s Day to all the healers who put their patients first. Thank you from all of us at @healersclinic #AskDrHafeel#askthedoc At the […]

Feeling Anxious?

Is there any relationship between diet and anxiety? Foods that you’re highly allergic to may have some effect on anxiety. There is nothing to a specific food that creates anxiety. However, there are a few things that may be triggering factors. These are primarily high-energy foods and heavy spices. Practices such as leaving the stomach […]

Water & Diabetes

How often should I drink water if I am diabetic? Water dilutes and cleanses toxic substance, like excess glucose.  We suggest drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day, enlist the clinical reason not to. That will help the kidney to dilute and excrete the excessively circulating glucose. Always remember: water cannot replace some […]

Natural Solutions to Your Diet Plan

Should I be monitoring my diet by counting calories or would you suggest a different approach? Many factors matter when you consider your diet. The calorie is just one among them. Yes, calories do count when it comes to specific clinical conditions. Counting calories make at least some individuals are highly focussed and obsessive. Try […]

What is the best time to consume dinner and how long should it be before I sleep?

The night is for resting, for both mind and body. A night of good night sleep is the best way to rejuvenate. Slow digestion resulting from a large meal disturbs sleep patterns. Modern science, as well as tradition, do not advise a heavy meal towards the evening. Large dinners make you uncomfortable and tired and […]

What would you recommend for planning meal sizes?

Many people ask us if they should plan their largest meal at lunchtime. Digestion is related to your external environment and is closely linked to the sunrise and sunset. As the Sun progresses during the day, the appetite of a healthy person should increase. Sometimes your eating habits can affect this process. For example, if […]

Is Your Child Allergic to eggs?

Excess source of quality protein, iron, vitamins, minerals and carotenoids. Their role in providing disease-fighting nutrients such as lutein has given eggs an important place in nutrition, especially for growing children. So, yes, it is important to find a suitable alternative if a child is allergic to eggs. Yoghurt and tofu can be a good […]

Changes You Can Make to Your Diet to Avoid 3 pm Slump

There could be many reasons for an afternoon skipping breakfast and having a big meal for lunch is one of the common reasons. Like any other functional device, the human body requires fuel to function. Your digestive system needs the energy to process the food you eat. If you skip your breakfast and eat a […]

Tips To Stop Nails from Becoming Brittle

If your nails have become brittle and they peel or chip easily, here is what you should be eating to make them strong. Brittle nails could be a short-term phenomenon or a long-lasting reflection of internal disease. The condition has been associated with iron deficiency and thyroid or kidney imbalances. Splitting or pitting has been […]


Most of us work in front of a computer or looking at a screen for long hours daily. Prolonged work of any kind results in exhaustion. In this case, it will be more as it involves your brain and one of the sense organs, the eyes. Eat juicy fruits and drink water at regular intervals […]

What Changes Can I Make to My Diet To Stay Cool This Summer?

During summer, I would recommend sweet, cold, liquid and softly prepared fatty foods and drinks. Seasonal vegetables that are water-rich and organic fruits of the gourd variety such as cucumbers and melons are also suitable. Summer is also the season to enjoy the crunchy freshness of watery vegetables. Loosely prepared porridges or arrowroot, millet and […]


Any diet for any purpose should be based on your digestive health. For the same reason, it’s hard to generalise and say what is good for the skin. For example, if we include more omega-3 fatty acids containing food, chia seeds, flaxseeds, almonds and walnuts, it’s difficult these days for most people to digest them […]

Diet Changes To Improve Children Lacking Energy

Lacking energy when growing up is a point of concern. It may be as simple as indigestion, unhealthy and untimely eating habits, parasite infestation or it could be early signs of nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin D deficiency. In certain cases, it could also b due to psychological factors. A detailed evaluation of the child […]

Ayurvedic-Friendly Approach to Diet For Improving Immunity.

Eating healthily is the cornerstone of your health. Healthier eating depends on the quality of your digestion and acquaintance. Ayurveda gives great importance to the measure and quality of your digestion. Good digestion is the pillar of your immunity. Ayurveda recommends simple foods, cooked and warm unless fruits. Being light and nutritious is the key […]

What’s The Diet To Be Followed For Fatty Liver?

 Fatty liver, a condition where too much fat is stored in the organ, eventually affects its proper functioning and leads to inflammation. Fatty liver is also linked to metabolic disorders such as diabetes, increased abdominal fat, high blood pressure and triglycerides, a type of fat. A vegetarian diet is advised to support the liver. […]

Vitamin Infusion and YOU

De-stress. Energize. Rejuvenate Vitamin Infusions are the safest and the most natural way of providing you with a healthy lifestyle along with the additional benefits of improved skin, hair, youthfulness, vitality and rejuvenation. A wide variety of custom-made infusions that help as Energy boosters, Immunity boosters, Stress relievers and hydrate and detoxify you – make […]

Ayurvedic Approach to Diet & Preventing Hair Loss

Ayurveda considers hair and nails as by-products of metabolic activities, specific to bones and marrow. So anything that corrects and strengthens metabolic activities at this level should work for hair as well. Vata (wind) and Pitta (fire) types of constitutions have a natural susceptibility to brittle hair, early greying, baldness and poor hair quality. Environmental […]

Colon Hydrotherapy at The Healers’ Clinic

Colon Hydrotherapy at The Healers’ Clinic With highly experienced and qualified therapists and the most sophisticated machine (FDA approved and CE approved) with 7 filter systems inside, this is one of the safest and most trusted clinics to do colon hydrotherapy. Moreover, colon hydrotherapy sessions are accompanied with a reflexology treatment of abdomen with stomach […]

Improve Your Well-Being

Is it possible to actually improve our well-being? Yes, if we can achieve the right balance of good mental health and be physically fit as well. If there is a coming together of the body, mind and spirit and we can make the right choices about where to locate ourselves, we can open doorways of […]

Preventive Health and Restoring Balance

Three pillars – The foundations of good health include a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, and a balanced lifestyle. The Gut-Brain Axis is a new frontier in neuroscience acknowledging the link between mental health and gut microbiota. In Ayurveda managing digestive and metabolic fire is the starting point to attain Dosha balance for mental and physical […]

The Healers’ Approach

Ayurveda sees the Universe as a combination of five elements that are the foundation of all living organisms. Nonliving things too are based on the same five elements but in material combinations. All living beings are gifted with the attributes of the mind, sense organs and life force or the Spirit, which is known as […]


May this blessed season bring lots of joy, happiness and good health to you and your family. As Ayurveda explains, the natural order – which is a dynamic balance within its limits – is maintained by a healthy interchangeable concentration of three biological principles known as VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. In an active state, these […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Wishing all mothers around the world, a Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for teaching us to love, to share, to be kind, to give more than we take and to show compassion. You are the angels on Earth. Thank you, Mom. This Mother’s day, celebrate your love, friendship, care and joy by spending quality time […]

Transform Yourself For A Better Healthy Future

There is no particular age or time after which you cannot transform. Irrespective of how old you are, the door to transforming yourself is always open. Progressing in life is not so easy, and for that, you should consider changing yourself. When you say you are done, you stop stretching and reaching new goals, which […]

Dos and Don’ts of Fasting

If you’re one of the millions of Muslims around the world fasting during Ramadan this month, you’re probably fasting from dawn to sunset every day. Fasting is an important part of many religious traditions, and it is usually safe to do so. If you have any health conditions, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, or another […]

Restoring Balance With Fasting

According to Ayurveda, the best time to fast is during the Kapha season. Kapha season begins at the end of March and lasts until the end of June. The spring season is ideal for fasting. This is similar to the idea of fasting for Ramadan. This is due to the season’s natural balance. Because the […]


Eating healthily is the cornerstone of your health. Health�ier eating depends on the quality of your digestion and ac�quaintance. Ayurveda gives great importance to the measure and quality of your digestion: A good digestion is the pil� lar of your immunity. Ayurveda recommends simple foods, cooked and warm unless fruits. Being light and nutritious is […]

Immunity Boosting Food

Cook your food with immunity-boosting spices such as cumin, fennel, coriander, turmeric, ginger, and black pepper. Garlic, which is one of the most commonly available herbs is known to treat numerous health-related issues. It has antimicrobial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding a clove of garlic to your daily diet can help boost your immune system […]


Each person is endowed with a unique constitution – much like a fingerprint. Our treatments are no different – they are customized to your individual needs. Our care is personalized, paying special attention to the minutest of details and the subtlest of your needs. Your path is replete with challenges on an everyday basis. We […]


Ayurvedic therapy involves a comprehensive cleaning methodology which goes beyond other schools of thought and practice. It understands, accepts and encourages the body’s capability of healing itself. It is a traditional but scientific and holistic approach towards addressing the root-cause of a problem rather than the symptoms. It starts with cleansing of the digestive system […]

Infusing Vitamins & Energy

Most of us are busy these days owing to hectic lifestyle, and with viral infections on the rise, it becomes essential to take care of our health. A nutritious diet helps us live a healthy lifestyle. Combined with moderate exercise, our diet can help us reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce health risks and […]

Three tips for your skin this summer

Take care of your digestive health Your digestive system is interrelated with your skin health. While you might like to grab another bite of that double chicken burger, that might not be the ideal thing for your skin. Any issue concerning your digestive system can and will affect your skin health. Try to avoid low […]

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Message from our founder Dr Hafeel WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are time-tested. The Healers’ is the one of its kind in the region where the […]

Bespoke Therapy

Wellness refers to more than just an absence of ailments. At The Healers’, we start you off with a Non-linear Screening (NLS) along with a Prakrithi consultation with our experts to help you understand and be aware of what your body has to convey. NLS is a non-invasive and harmless diagnostic procedure where electromagnetic signals […]

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