Holistic Eating


Ayurveda understands that subtle levels of cravings are signs of imbalance, which a qualified practitioner can elicit. High levels of cravings are also a concern that needs to be balanced or attended to clinically. Ayurveda takes care of cravings by recommending safer and complex alternatives, such as dry fruits, jaggery and old grains to be […]


WHAT CHILD-FRIENDLY FOODS CAN I INTRODUCE TO MY KIDS IF I WANT THEM TO FOLLOW AN AYURVEDIC APPROACH TO EATING? That is a tough question to answer and every parent wants an answer to this puzzle. we asked our Founder and Mentor – Dr Hafeel to guide us. This is a part of #HealersVoice series […]

Ayurveda for happiness

Ayurveda is focused on improving your physical and emotional self. Incorporating different ways of Ayurveda in your daily life will help you maintain a healthy life and sleep better. The reasons to opt for Ayurveda are many, here are the three reasons for you to choose to be guided by an #Authentic Ayurvedic practitioner. Love and spend […]

Breathing easier Holistically

Asthma is an inflammatory disease prevalent throughout the world. Asthmatics tend to describe Asthma attacks as “trying to breathe through water”. Symptoms for Asthma are as varied as what could trigger an episode. There are an estimated 23.4 million people in the world affected by Asthma. That translates to about 5-10% of the world population.  […]

Harnessing the strengths of Holistic Healing for the children of today

As parents, uncles or aunts, it is but natural to want to offer the best foot forward for the children we raise, know and care about. As an ancient science, Ayurveda offers a great deal of wisdom that can be easily applied to children. As with many forms of eastern medicine, Ayurveda too works with […]

Five Ways to Say #ThankYouMom

If there is a real superhero living in all our homes, that would be your mother. Without a doubt, our moms have amazing capabilities, and they so selflessly use all their love, affection and care for us. On this Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to thank them and show that we love them […]

Three ayurvedic steps to beautiful skin

Ayurveda outlines three steps to beautiful skin: cleanse, nourish, and moisturize. If that sounds like standard operating procedure in the West, think again. While it is common practice to use soap to cleanse the skin, it has been seen that such products dry the skin and alter its pH balance, causing it to become more […]

How Izzzz Your Nidra?

Are you sleeping well? One of the factors we do not consider necessary while chasing our fast-paced life is the ability to sleep well. Evidence suggests that 20-40% of adults have sleep disorders. Did you know Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated many millennia ago in the Indian subcontinent? Ayurveda offers extensive […]


Besides being one of the first things people notice about you, your skin offers clues on the overall status of your health. When things start showing up on the skin, that’s a signal of deeper imbalances. Ayurveda does not just treat the symptoms. It gets to the root cause. In Ayurveda, skin issues are seen […]

Colon cleansing and precautions

Cleansing the Colon is vital to maintaining good health Most diseases have their roots in the digestive system and the role of the Colon is crucial. Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle and effective way of cleansing your Colon using water, to prevent the accumulation of toxic waste and to promote the absorption of nutrients. It […]

Colon Cleansing – Good or Bad

Our body needs occasional cleansing. Colon #cleansing is a procedure that helps address irregular bowel movement, indigestion, constipation and even weight loss by removing toxins from the colon. However, this procedure can have an adverse effect if not done correctly. What is Colon Cleansing? Colon cleansing, also known as colonic, #colon irrigation, colon #hydrotherapy, is […]

The psychological effect of serious illness

When we fall sick, we know our body takes a toll. But do you know we also suffer from trauma? Most of the times, we do not consider this aspect when we see people suffering from serious illnesses. Whenever a person is diagnosed with a grave sickness, undergoes surgery or suffers an injury, it has […]

Five things you should eat this summer

Summer days can leave you tired and exhausted, more than usual, and very fast. While it is necessary to drink a lot of water to deal with common summer sicknesses, such as dehydration and heatstroke, doctors say it is also good to maintain a healthy diet. A healthy diet consisting of vegetables and fruits will […]

A day at The Healers’ Clinic

Do you want to know what happens at the Healers’ Clinic? We are super excited to be featured on Cecilia’s THE EQUILIBRIUM BLOG. When a patient comes to see you at the Healers you always offer quite unique an in-depth evaluation of a patient’s overall health situation. Can you tell us a bit more about […]

The Perfect Unison of Mind, Body, Soul, and Senses

What if I say, to be truly healthy, you need to have a harmonic function of your body, mind, soul and senses? In Ayurveda, you are truly healthy when everything in your body works together cohesively. Only then can you have a happy life. A skillful Ayurvedic practitioner can determine one’s doshas and Prakriti. A […]

What you should eat this summer?

Summer days can leave you tired and exhausted, more than usual, and very fast. While it is necessary to drink a lot of water to deal with common summer problems, such as dehydration and heatstroke, doctors say it is also good to maintain a healthy diet. A healthy diet consisting of vegetables and fruits will […]

Tips to improve gut bacteria

Our gut biome can be improved in several ways, helping us maintain better health. Some traditional medicine systems believe that gut health is directly linked to the health of the entire body! It is in our best interest to take care of these little microbiomes who strive to keep us fit. Here are some ways […]

Understanding gut health

“A universe and an ecosystem within us”– this is what our gastrointestinal tract is! With an entrance named ‘mouth’ and an exit named ‘anus’, the digestive system is a contained world of complex chemistry and microbes controlled by undefinable energy of intricate movements and messenger systems. The digestive membrane, or the structure which make the […]

Shirodhara – the calming indulgence

Getting an ayurvedic body massage with herbal oils can be beneficial for both body and mind. Do you know there are various types of healing rituals practiced within Ayurveda? Each of these can be aimed at healing a particular condition. One such practice is Shirodhara.   Shirodhara is coined from two Sanskrit words – ‘Shiro‘ and […]

The magical Ayurvedic diet

Is there a magical diet that we can follow to be fit, slim and energetic? Alas, there isn’t a single universal diet that is good for everyone. But there are some common principles we can use to suit your body type. When I say body type, I am referring to the whole of what your […]

Nutrition done right

Ayurveda advises the consumption of meals that are easy to digest and are at room temperature. Individual body types require foods individually suited to them. They should neither be overcooked nor raw. This ensures that all nutrition is easily absorbed by the body. The foods normally considered safe to be consumed raw – are fruits, […]

Fuel your OJAS

True vitality, from an Ayurvedic perspective, says that there are several layers that make up the human body, that is responsible for the state of immunity. Each layer feeds the next & determines the immunity levels of the body. This in totality, is known as Ojas. Ojas is a Sanskrit word which means “inner vitality” […]

Indulge in your detox regimen

Detox should ideally, be a regular feature in our lives since it helps in the prevention of ailments and helps in sustaining good health too. Detox is known to reduce water retention, bloating, and cleanses the digestive system, while supporting metabolism, boosting energy, and improving immunity. At The Healers’, we guide you and walk you […]

The Art of Eating Right

You are what you eat. “A universe and an ecosystem within us”- this is what our gastrointestinal tract is! With an entrance named ‘mouth’ and an exit named ‘anus’, the digestive system is a contained world of complex chemistry and microbes controlled by indefinable energy of intricate movements and messenger systems. The digestive membrane, or […]

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The Art of Eating Right