Tips for a healthy life

How Homeopathy can help you sleep?

It’s a well-known fact that sleep is a rejuvenating process and that adequate and consistent sleep patterns are crucial for optimal functionality of the organs of the body. A change in the sleep pattern may aggravate existing health conditions or lead to new ones. Sleep is essential for overall health and wellbeing. It allows the […]

Ayurvedic Treatment to Cure Migraine

Migraine The first symptom of migraine usually is a headache or a “pounding and throbbing pain” which is experienced on any one side of the head. It may start as a dull ache but if left untreated, may transition to a severe level. The pain may shift from one side of the head to the […]

Ayurvedic Secrets to Sleeping Well

Importance of Sleep To quote Ayurveda, “sleep is one of the three pillars of life, the other two being food and the principles of living in-sync with the universe”. Sleep is a rejuvenating process and adequate and rhythmic sleep patterns are crucial to homeostasis. A change in the sleep pattern may aggravate existing health conditions […]

Everything You Need to Know About Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder affecting millions of people around the world. People suffering from this disorder find it difficult to fall and stay asleep, thus, they are always fatigued. Insomnia leads to several health problems like weight gain, diabetes, and hypertension. A few changes in diet and lifestyle can help improve this condition to […]

Can A Detox or Cleanse Help Your Liver?

A liver detox helps in getting rid of impurities and toxins in the body. Along with improving your overall health, the process can also help you lose weight. The liver is one of the most vital organs of your body. It helps remove waste and overcome any adverse effects of medications. People often believe that […]

Does Holistic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis Help?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the most frequent kind of autoimmune arthritis. It usually impacts the small joints, knees, or the ankles but it could cause issues in other organs of the body too, like the eyes, skin, circulatory systems, and/or the respiratory organs. Not only does it affect the organs, it impacts the linings within […]

Are There Any Alternative Treatments for Constipation?

Constipation is one of the most common conditions and complaints all over. When an individual passes less than three bowel movements a week, the process is medically termed ‘constipation’. It is a condition that leads to excessive strain during excretion either with incomplete or inconsistent stools, at times accompanied by other complications. Constipation could also […]

Improve Your Health with Colon Hydrotherapy

Rinsing your colon may not sound very appealing but it has various advantages which include improved digestion through elimination of various digestive disorders. Of course, it should be handled with caution, as with other lifestyle decisions and with sufficient knowledge and understanding of the possible consequences. Colon hydrotherapy is also referred to as colon cleansing […]

Liver Detox – All You Need to Know

A liver detox or cleansing or flushing of the liver, helps eliminate toxins from your system, enhances overall wellness and wellbeing and is said to help in losing weight. The liver is one of the major organs of the human body. Along with removal of waste, it assists in managing nutrients. A liver cleanse, administered […]

Post-natal Therapeutic Massage

Holistic post-natal therapeutic massage for you and your baby (14 sessions) To regain strength, vigour, and vitality, new mothers need extra care, which aims at balancing hormonal changes and relieving post-natal distress. Ayurvedic treatments help overcome post-natal complexities and lead to relaxation. Your baby is as important as you are and like you, deserves the […]

Liver Care at The Healers’ Clinic

Liver care is a unique method at The Healers’ to boost the health of the liver. It is based on the concepts of Chinese traditional medicine, visceral manipulative techniques of anthroposophy and Ayurvedic digestive care. It aims at:Promoting liver healthImproving digestionBalancing liver Chi Enhancing liver detoxEnhancing immunityCalming down the liver andOptimizing overall physical health and […]

Personalized Care at The Healers’ Clinic

Each person is endowed with a unique constitution – much like a fingerprint. Our treatments are no different – they are customized to your individual needs. Our care is personalized, paying special attention to the minutest of details and to the subtlest of your needs. Your path is replete with challenges on an everyday basis. […]

Managing your body with Ayurveda

The Body, like any object in nature, is made up of five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. The elements get heavier as they follow the order. This means Air and Ether or Space are at the lighter end of the spectrum. Earth, the heaviest is responsive for mass (heaviness), water is binding […]

Fighting depression with Ayurveda

According to research conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), India has roughly 57 million people who are depressed, making it the “most depressed nation” in the world. The Indian President Ram Nath Kovind warned of a potential “mental health crisis” in India the same year. Even though the number of people suffering from depression […]

Ancient Wisdom With A Modern Approach

At The Healers’ clinic, we integrate ancient wisdom with modern approaches to facilitate a safe, quick and effective healing experience for our clients. Healing evolves from one’s inner core and a healer facilitates that process. It is like setting a vibration in the inner cords which leads to a harmonious flow of well being, like […]

The Healers’ Philosophy

The Healers’ Clinic in Dubai has a philosophy deeply entrenched in time tested preventive and therapeutic health care systems dating back to several centuries ago. Incorporating treatment approaches from Asia, Europe and other parts of the world, The Healer’s choose a course of treatment best suited to your individual needs, systematically tailored to your lifestyle […]

Benefits of walking bare foot

If overall fitness is the goal, ways to do it are many, the simplest being walking. Walking is one of the primary gaits of legged animals. And it is known to be the best aerobic activity ever – its low impact too, so it does not bring any harm to the joints or muscles. It […]

Our Inspiration @ The Healers’

What inspired you to launch The Healers’ Clinic? One of the challenges was to first understand why we are born on this planet and then are given this huge opportunity to be able to serve people. As medical professionals, often we are overawed with the burden and responsibility placed on us. One of the primary […]

Happiness is the highest form of health

A healthy lifestyle not only lengthens your life but also rejuvenates your body and mind. it will help you feel better. As the Dalai Lama said, “Happiness is the highest form of health”. It is widely accepted that body health and general wellbeing are interrelated. To be in optimal health, the mind and body must […]

सर्वेन्द्रियाणां नयनं प्रधानं

This statement means ‘Of all the five sense organs, it is the eyes that are the most important/valuable’. This is because most of our inputs are gathered through the eyes. There are several things that we need to do to ensure healthy eyesight. Some of them are: Eating an eyesight-friendly diet – eating the right […]

Can we create health?

“No one can create health; people are born with health that needs to be protected and maintained. What usually happens now is reactive disease care — one goes to a hospital when an issue arises and is usually directed to a doctor who specialises in the specific problem area. Wellness, on the other hand, is […]

Renew Yourself

Like nature, take time to renew yourself – mind, body and soul. #HealersClinicDubai WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are time-tested. The Healers’ is the one of its […]

My First Mentor

On World Teacher’s Day, we are remembering the people who guided us and shaped us. Here is a fond memory from our founder’s childhood. Thank you #Teachers #AskDrHafeel#HealersClinic@healersvoice Connect with us and begin the healing process. To schedule an appointment today, call +971 4 38 55677 WHY CHOOSE THE HEALERS’ CLINIC? The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an […]

Our Inspiration

One of the challenges was to first understand why we are born on this planet and then are given this huge opportunity to be able to serve people. As medical professionals, often we are overawed with the burden and responsibility placed on us. One of the primary reasons to start The Healers’ Clinic was to […]

Get a tailored-diet plan

Did you know the health of your gut is determined by a combination of what we place in your body and how you treat your body? Consuming the right kind of food and engaging in physical exercise will benefit the growth of important and good bacteria. Get a tailored-diet plan and nutrition for yourself and […]

Integrative healthcare @ The Healers’ Clinic

When a patient comes to see us at the Healers’ we always offer quite a unique an in-depth evaluation of a patient’s overall health situation. Integrative healthcare is our forte wherein each person who needs assistance, is regarded as a combination of multiple dimensions which include the body, the mind, beliefs as well as context […]

Should I change my diet as I age?

What difference does age make to metabolism and how should I change my diet as I age? Age is one of the vital factors in the body’s energy metabolism. Research has shown that the decrease in muscle mass, relative to the total body, may be responsible for an age-related reduction in the basal metabolic rate. […]

Keep Your Microbiome Healthy

The human body is a home for trillions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa. The community of such microbes in a defined environment is called Microbiota. And the Microbiota along with its collective genetic material is called Microbiome. Microbiome is omnipresent. Soil, Ocean, Air, your skin, stomach, nose, eyes and ears, […]

Breathe Better

Improve your diet to include nutrient-rich foods. Whole grains, plenty of colourful vegetables and nutrient-dense foods work wonders on the immune system and your respiratory health. Avoid milk and dairy products and drink plenty of water. Practising deep breathing will help train your respiratory muscles and improve the quality of your breathing. Using air filters […]

Diabetes care – the Ayurveda way

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, Type 2 diabetes is primarily an imbalance or excess of the Kapha dosha, which is essential – Earth and Water elements. When Kapha governs the body, a buildup of excess Kapha can lead to lethargy, weight gain, allergies and resistance to change. Ayurveda, therefore, recommends a Kapha pacifying diet to manage […]

Quality of Sleep

Recent research by Namni Goel says that you will experience significant neurobehavioural changes when you don’t sleep well. So the quality of sleep is as important as the quantity. Total sleep deprivation and chronic sleep restriction increase the homeostatic sleep drive and diminish waking neurobehavioral functioning, producing deficits in attention, memory and cognitive speed, increases […]

How good is your sleep?

 Recent research by Namni Goel says that you will experience significant neurobehavioural changes when you don’t sleep well. So the quality of sleep is as important as the quantity. Total sleep deprivation and chronic sleep restriction increase the homeostatic sleep drive and diminish waking neurobehavioral functioning, producing deficits in attention, memory and cognitive speed, […]

Finding Perfect Harmony

The Prakriti happens to be a fixed element just like the genetic blueprint. However, it can go out of balance, and such a situation is better-called vikriti. Vikriti might get influenced by lifestyle, emotions, diet, environment, age, seasons, and also a particular time of the day. Although vikriti is a present state of pitta, kapha, […]

Are You Sleeping Enough?

Are you sure about the quality of sleep you are getting? While scientists are still working to identify and clarify all of the functions of sleep, decades of studies—many of which have used the method of disrupting sleep and examining the consequences—have confirmed that sleep is necessary for our healthy functioning and even survival. According […]

Should You Try Fasting?

We face health issues today because of the disharmony in the mental doshas; rajogun, satogun, and tamogun. It also includes body doshas like pitta, vata, and Kapha. The objective of Ayurveda is to bring back harmony among doshas. It incorporates diagnosis, clinical examination, lifestyle, and dietary treatment and interventions. In clinical investigations, an eight-point diagnosis […]

Live. Life. Balanced

Experience a transformation that you will carry a lifetime when you visit the Healer’s Clinic. Our detox programs not just ensure your body is free from toxins but also have a positive impact on your mental health. Come, learn to live a balanced life. #AskDrHafeel#HealersClinic Connect with us and begin the healing process. To schedule […]

EyeCare at The Healers’

Short-sightedness and weakening vision are just two of the commonly experienced eye disorders. Care for the eyes, preferably natural eye care is a blessing and Ayurveda addresses this through its age-old, traditional, and natural methods. Along with Ayurvedic eye-cleansing and therapies, Yogic eye exercises also help relax, refresh, and rejuvenate the eyes. The Healers’ Eyecare […]

Time for your Abhyanga

When was the last time you took time to pamper yourself? Check out our packages for Abhyanga. Abhyanga could be referred to as the preparation of the body for Panchakarma, which involves major cleansing. It is a part of the daily wellbeing regime and involves massage of the body with customized and traditional oils. It […]

A Good Healer

A healer should be a good clinician, she should know how to assess a patient and she should be an ‘unprejudiced observer’ (in Dr Hahnemann’s words) and should use all available means to understand the patient, be it linear investigations like lab studies or imaging studies if the situation demands, or non-linear studies, wherein you […]

Thyroid & Slumps in Energy

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland, located at the base of the neck just below the Adam’s apple. It is an important part of an intricate network of glands called the endocrine system. The endocrine system is responsible for coordinating many of the body’s activities and is the one that regulates your body’s metabolism. […]

Holistic Skin Care

Besides being one of the first things people notice about you, your skin offers clues on the overall status of your health. When things start showing up on the skin, that’s a signal of deeper imbalances. Ayurveda does not just treat the symptoms. It gets to the root cause. In Ayurveda, skin issues are seen […]

Prevention, Cure and Sustenance

Prevention, Cure and Sustenance — these are the three foundation points of treatment at The Healers’ Clinic. Here, every patient receives tailor-made holistic treatment from the moment they set foot in the ambient space. For the eminent Dr Hafeel Ambalath, Founder and CEO, and Dr Saya Pareeth, Founder and Medical Director, The Healers’ Clinic, it […]

Foods that boost metabolism

What foods would you recommend if I want to boost my metabolism? The best way to boost metabolism is to eat a balanced meal with a moderate serving of protein and vegetables. Food that contains Zinc and Selenium may have some effect on boosting up the metabolism. Spices such as ginger (and spices of the […]

What is your view of energy drinks and can you suggest a healthier alternative?

Some energy drinks have been found to improve physical endurance, but have less effect on muscle strength and power. The amount of caffeine in energy drinks vary widely and the actual content may not be identified easily. These drinks can enhance alertness but may also reduce the steadiness of hands. Caffeine may also be associated […]

Pamper Yourself

You don’t need an excuse to pamper yourself.Rejuvenation is a part of life and needs to be taken seriously. Take a break from your daily routine.Get away from that desk and screen time. Step away from your daily schedules, zoom calls, meetings…Take some time to pamper yourself. Try our Abhyanga or Shirodhara packages that can […]

Find The Right Healer

The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles. While most of us would like to have a magic pill that restores us back to health […]

Live Healthy

You get one life.One life to live.One life to share.One life to make an impact.One life to create beautiful memories with friends, family and leave a legacy. You are the master of your life and this is your chance to make that life awesome. Your health is the most important thing that ensures you live […]

Naturally Uplift and Maintain Your Health

Learn how to naturally uplift and maintain your health. What usually happens now is reactive disease care — one goes to a hospital when an issue arises and is usually directed to a doctor who specializes in the specific problem area. Wellness, on the other hand, is about overall enhancement from within — that is […]

Family Physicians @ The Healers’

You know what makes us stand out? We are all in when it comes to your health and well-being. Just taking care of the problem is not in our dictionary. Patients are not forgotten after the initial care. Regular follow-ups are conducted throughout the year so that they have a preventative check-point all through. As […]

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Family Physicians @ The Healers’