
Bloating, a condition wherein the belly feels tight and full, is most often due to gas. Gas in the gut is known to be caused by over-consumption of fizzy drinks, consumption of certain vegetables, talking too much while eating causing an over-intake of wind from the mouth, food-intolerance or due to other medical issues.

Bloating could also be caused due to constipation. The longer the waste stays in the digestive tract, the more time the gut-bacteria get to work on what’s in there, which then leads to gas and bloating.

Besides constipation, other causes could be:

  • Those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are prone to bloating accompanied with pain, and cramps
  • Small-Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO): Along with those who have undergone intestinal surgery or suffer from IBS, many healthy people too have relatively fewer bacteria in the small intestine. This is known to cause bloating
  • Gastroparesis is a condition wherein the stomach takes a long time to empty its contents. This delay in evacuation of waste may cause bloating, nausea and even blockage at times
  • Gynecological problems such as issues with the ovaries or the uterus may lead to bloating

Bloating could be prevented once the cause is understood and addressed. If its mild constipation which is causing it, consuming sufficient water, high-fiber foods and exercise may help. Chronic constipation or conditions such as IBS or Gastroparesis will need professional medical care though.

Learn How We Could Help


The Healers’ Clinic, a holistic and integrative healthcare facility, specializes in colon- hydrotherapy, a therapeutic procedure which enables a complete colon-cleanse ensuring removal of accumulated waste. The treatment is delivered by highly experienced healthcare professionals ensuring enhancement of nutritional absorption, elimination of dangerous bacteria, leaving you feeling lighter, cleaner, and rejuvenated.

The Healers’ have FDA and CE approved state of the art equipment with seven-filter systems and administer the most effective treatment for bloating and/or constipation. We focus on treating the condition by understanding, re-establishing, balancing, and enriching the natural biome of the colon.

Our team of medical professionals comes with years of experience and expertise, ensuring treatment of a disorder, its underlying causes, and any upcoming concerns. Holistic treatment involves treating the root cause naturally and eliminating it. With a blend of traditional therapies with colon-hydrotherapy, The Healers’ ensure sustainable improvement by way of slight modifications in diet, lifestyle and self-care methods.

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