Does Holistic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis Help?
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the most frequent kind of autoimmune arthritis.
It usually impacts the small joints, knees, or the ankles but it could cause issues in other organs of the body too, like the eyes, skin, circulatory systems, and/or the respiratory organs. Not only does it affect the organs, it impacts the linings within the joints, which could result in bone erosion and joint deformity.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is common in the age-range of twenty to fifty, however, minors and senior citizens could also develop the same. It has been observed that RA is noticed in women, two and a half times more than in men.
With the progression of the disease, it becomes crucial to adapt to effective treatment, depending on the stage of the symptoms. Holistic treatment focuses on slowing down the risks of RA, reducing the pain and symptoms, and improving the quality of life. And The Healers’ Clinic is known for the best arthritis treatment in Dubai.
- Red tender, warm, swollen joints
- Fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite
- Stiffness, throbbing, and aching pain when seated for long periods
Holistic treatment ensures improvement within the body, starting with reduction in fatigue levels, decrease in pain, and managing any medicine-based side effects – leading to an improvement in the overall well-being of the individual.
In early stages, Rheumatoid Arthritis can be kept under control if intensive treatment is implemented with a blend of natural and holistic medicaments. The Healers’ Clinic, with our consistent holistic approach, is considered one of the best Arthritis Treatment Clinics in Dubai. Individuals diagnosed with RA since twenty years or more, are still capable of receiving holistic treatment ensuring improvement within their body parts and overall health. Holistic treatment is focused on respecting the body’s wisdom to heal itself, ensuring improvement internally and externally.
Causes, Risk Factors (What to avoid) & Complications
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which means it’s caused by the immune system attacking healthy body tissue. However, it’s not yet known what triggers this. Ayurveda understands RA-like disorders as an effect of a deep accumulation of toxins, along with a sedentary lifestyle.
The immune systems within individuals ensure the protection of their bodies from infections and diseases. On the basis of genetics, there is a probable risk of developing RA in case an individual is exposed to certain environmental factors like an infection. The risk factors could be inclusive of family history, smoking, and weight gain.
Diagnosis & Details
Rheumatoid arthritis may be complex and tough to diagnose in early stages due to the signs, symptoms, and causes which mimic multiple diseases. Even blood tests or physical findings to confirm the diagnosis remain rather difficult. A physical examination may be able to reflect the concerns, symptoms, and stage of the disease. This examination includes checking joints for swellings, redness, or warmth. The physician may check the reflex systems and overall muscle strength as well.
Holistic treatment for RA ensures focus on reducing risk factors for heart disease. These could include slight modifications in diet and lifestyle, to ensure the maintenance of one’s body.
Arthritis treatment at The Healers’ Clinic is administered by a team of physicians who first understand your specific needs thoroughly – they understand your objectives as well as the stages of the disease. They then use various methods of diagnosis and lastly, based on all findings and reports, design a treatment regime just for you. To ensure apt and correct diagnosis, it’s essential to review symptoms and conduct blood tests (Haematological Investigation) and X-rays if necessary. It is highly advisable to report RA symptoms to your physician; if done so, treatment will be prescribed to either reduce or stop the disease from progression. Primary treatment involves controlling or suppressing the inflammation to reduce further damage to the joints. Holistic treatment has proven to be effective and efficient, since it impacts the body from inside and outside, by way of diet changes, lifestyles, and a healthier way of living.
Understanding Holistic Treatment and Opting for The Best Arthritis Treatment in Dubai
RA treatment is most helpful when it starts early. Holistic treatment focuses on treating RA with result-oriented protocols which involve natural medicine, therapy, and body-mind approaches. Since the methods are non-chemical, they can help you re-establish the quality of life without any side effects. At The Healers’ Clinic, our experienced physicians use a holistic approach to improve your overall health and wellbeing. They take everything into consideration, from your age, stage, symptoms, causes, and risk factors, to curate the most effective treatment plan which focuses on keeping the symptoms under control and improving the overall quality of your life.
The Healers’ Clinic is one of its kind in the region where eastern wisdom meets western science, facilitating a fast and effective route to the maintenance of your health. Call us and book an appointment today!