Is Cold Water bad?

Jul 05 2021

Why does Ayurveda recommend taking warm or room temperature water?

The quality of water varies with its sources and process as per Ayurvedic understanding.

The purest water is considered to be from rainfall and hailstone derived from seasonal rain in an unpolluted environment. This is considered synonymous with elixir.

Water is considered lighter when boiled water is taken in warm or at room temperature.

Anything we consume needs to go through a process of digestion (transformation) to be taken by the body cells. The action of boiling makes it easier.

Apart from this, it is also said that the process of digestion will become slower if the water is colder.

People with indigestion, cough, cold, asthma and fever should be taking water that is boiled and warm.

Water also takes in the quality of the materials it has been treated with.

To know more interesting ayurvedic tips and a healthy approach to dieting, and how you want to can maintain your body to last longer, talk to an ayurvedic practitioner today.

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Is Cold Water bad?