Functional Medicine Dubai

Functional medicine in Dubai is emerging as a favorable option for treatment for illnesses and it recognizes that each individual is unique.

It recognizes the impact of our environment and lifestyle, which includes diet, nutrition, exposures, contaminants, relationships, stressors, exercise, and emotions, on our biochemical and physiological functions. It also examines how these same factors affect genetic predispositions and interact with our genome (our genetic makeup). The concept that our living environment ultimately dictates “function” is the central concept of functional medicine at The Healers’ Clinic in Dubai.

Keeping in mind that the concept of environment incorporates the patient’s total experiences from birth to the present, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of each patient’s past. Specialized testing–including specialized laboratories and instruments–is used to evaluate the processes from which imbalances arise prior to disease development or during the treatment of chronic illness at our functional medicine clinic in Dubai.

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Functional Medicine Dubai