Three tips for your skin this summer

Apr 15 2021

Take care of your digestive health

Your digestive system is interrelated with your skin health. While you might like to grab another bite of that double chicken burger, that might not be the ideal thing for your skin. Any issue concerning your digestive system can and will affect your skin health. Try to avoid low fibre and oily food. These foods are the root cause of stubborn acne. Try toxin removal procedures to eliminate any sort of toxic waste from your digestive system.

Drink Juice

Fruit juice like green apple and pomegranate juice is rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants and enzymes. These fruits have skin healing properties and also help to increase skin glow. The vitamins present in it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce acne. Needless to say, that juice keeps your body hydrated, which is imperative during the hot summer days.

Use aloe vera

Aloe vera is among one of the most effective natural skin remedies. It contains Vitamin A and C, alongside enzymes and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps soothing dry and flaky skin. It also helps with burns and acne.

To know more about rejuvenating your skin and how you can get through summer with amazing looking skin, talk to us today.



The Healers’ Clinic Dubai is an integrative clinic with its philosophy deeply embedded in preventative health care. Its philosophies are influenced by traditional medicines, ancient wisdom and local health cultures which are time-tested. The Healers’ is the one of its kind in the region where the eastern wisdom is meeting the western science, facilitating a fast and effective route in the maintenance of your health.

We recognise that every client is different and is endowed with a constitution that is unique to the individual; our regimens are therefore customized for each guest. A natural result of this is that we give personalized attention to the minutest detail, and address the subtlest of needs of each client, in order to facilitate fundamental improvements in health condition and achieve overall wellbeing for our guests. Quality, efficacy and customer satisfaction are spontaneous outcomes of this.

The Healers’ Clinic offers a wide range of customized services that cover aspects of health maintenance, cleansing, rejuvenation and healing. You will find the best of General Medicine, Homeopathy and Traditional Medicine which are effectively combined for fast and effective results.

For rejuvenating holistic healthcare, call us today for an appointment.

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Three tips for your skin this summer