Holistic Medicine Dubai

What is Holistic Medicine?

A holistic view towards healing has more to do with attitude and approach, than with the physical methods of treatment. It addresses the biological, psychological, social, environmental, and spiritual dimensions of health or ill health.  It recognizes each person as the individual and unique entity he or she is and focuses on the person as a whole, rather than only on the disorder or its symptoms. It aims at healing from the core, taking into consideration the health of the mind and the spirit along with that of the body. Holistic Medicine in Dubai includes treatments or therapies which involve slight but important modifications to diet and lifestyle. Social, personal, or even work relationships and their effect on the person too are taken into consideration, along with self-awareness. Alternative lines of medicine such as homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, ayurveda, yoga etc. are integral elements of a holistic approach to healthcare.

Guidelines for holistic healthcare

The human body possesses magical self-healing powers. Holistic medicine acknowledges and respects the wisdom and ability of the body to heal itself. It looks at a person as a whole and complete entity, influenced or affected by various external or psychological factors. Along with cure, it aims at the prevention of ailments followed by maintenance or sustenance of good health. The holistic approach to healthcare is not new to the eastern world. In fact, Ayurveda, a traditional form of healing that originated in India, has been around for more than five thousand years. Through its various forms of therapy, it focuses on facilitating the body’s potential to heal itself, by utilizing the medicinal properties of herbs and plants. It is said that the father of conventional medicine, Hippocrates, also held a holistic perspective, believing in and encouraging the self-healing capacity of the body. Holistic medicine encourages the patient to contribute as an equal along with his or her physician, to address all aspects physical or psychological, affecting his or her health, overall well-being, and wellness. It aims at treating the root cause, and not just its superficial manifestations or symptoms. Because the holistic line of treatment takes the mind-body-spirit approach to healing, it also considers mental health. To give an example – a person who is balanced enough to manage stress and deal with mental health issues is well-equipped to heal. Holistic Medicine Dubai

What kind of healing methodologies does a holistic approach include?

A holistic approach includes various lines of medicine such as:
  • Ayurveda
  • Homeopathy
  • Naturopathy
  • Chinese medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga

Advantages of a holistic approach

A holistic view or approach considers the body, the mind and the spirit as a whole and complete entity. It believes in the effect of personal, emotional, social, professional as well as environmental influences on physiological health and vice versa. It looks at treating the root cause of an ailment rather than addressing the superficially manifested symptoms, with an aim to bring balance and sound health to the mind and the body. The advantages of a holistic approach include:
  • Prevention of diseases
  • Sustainability of good health
  • Self-awareness
  • Disciplined and responsible attitude towards health
  • Ownership towards health
  • Improved dietary habits
  • Improved lifestyle habits
  • Better immunity and defence against diseases
  • Reinforcement of the self-healing ability of the body
  • Reduction in stress and/or anxiety levels
  • Respect for a ‘healthy’ life

How safe is holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine in Dubai is absolutely safe when undergone or experienced under professional medical care and supervision. It focuses on the prevention of diseases, followed by cure and encourages sustenance or maintenance of good health by way of slight but important modifications to diet and lifestyle habits. Holistic Medicine Dubai

How to treat the whole you: The mind-body connection

It is a known and much-experienced fact that physical and mental health are interdependent. Our moods, thoughts and emotions influence our well-being and vice versa. The body reflects it all. Hence, a great way to respect and strengthen the body’s self-healing capability is to hold a realistic, positive, and balanced attitude towards life – be it personal, social, or professional. As the holistic approach to healthcare aims at treating the ‘whole’ person and not just the symptoms of an ailment or a disorder, the connection between the mind and the body is an essential or fundamental element of holistic medicine.  Holistic physicians hold a comprehensive approach to ‘therapy’, which includes addressing issues faced by the mind, body, and spirit.
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What is Holistic Medicine?