What is your Prakriti?

Feb 08 2021

Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine describes a unique concept “prakriti”, genetically determined, categorizing the population into several subgroups based on characters like appearance, temperament, and habits. The concept is claimed to be useful in predicting an individual’s susceptibility to a particular disease, the prognosis of that illness, and selection of therapy.
According to Ayurvedic principles, everyone has a specific constitution, or prakruti, that determines his or her physical, physiologic, and mental character and disease vulnerability.

Prakruti is determined by three “bodily energies’ called doshas. There are three basic doshas, and though everyone has some features of each, most people have one or two that predominate.

Pitta energy is linked to fire and is thought to control the digestive and endocrine systems. People with pitta energy are considered fiery in temperament, intelligent and fast-paced. When pitta energy is out of balance, ulcers, inflammation, digestive problems, etc can arise.

Vata energy is associated with air and space and is linked to bodily movement, including breathing and blood circulation. Vata energy is said to predominate in people who are lively, creative, and also in over-thinkers. When out of balance, Vata types can endure joint pain, constipation, dry skin, and other ailments.

Kapha energy, linked to earth and water, is believed to control growth and strength and is associated with the chest, torso, and back. Kapha types are considered strong and solid in the constitution, and generally calm in nature. But obesity, diabetes, sinus problems insecurity and gallbladder issues can result when Kapha energy is out of balance according to Ayurvedic practitioners. Unbalance in these energies leaves individuals more susceptible to disease.

At The Healers’ Clinic, our healers would measure the vital statistics of your body, its constitution, screen for illnesses or stress to understand your individual requirements, and suggest therapies that would help you. Talk to us today to understand the Prakriti and how you can be benefited. Call us for an appointment today at 04 38 55677

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What is your Prakriti?